Home Departments List

University Departments

University of Kerala has sixteen faculties and 44 Departments of teaching and research. Teaching, Research and Knowledge extension are the mandate of the Departments. They primarily focus on post-graduate (masters) programmes, MPhil programmes (1-year research degree) and doctoral research. The Departmental Councils consisting of all faculty members of the Departments have financial and academic powers. Headship of the Department is on a rotation-basis. Each Dept falls under one of the Faculties which is headed by a Dean of Faculty (Various programmes in affiliated colleges also fall under respective faculties). Department are listed below faculty-wise (except Institute of Distance Education, which is imparts education in subjects under many faculties):

  Faculty of Science
   ▷ Dean : Dr. A. Bijukumar

  Faculty of Oriental Studies
   ▷ Dean : Prof. A.M Unnikrishnan

  Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology
   ▷ Dean : Dr. Sabu Joseph

  ☰ Department of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

  Faculty of Social Sciences
   ▷ Dean : Dr. Manju S. Nair

  Faculty of Arts
   ▷ Dean : Dr. Meena T. Pillai

  Faculty of Fine Arts
   ▷ Dean : Prof. (Dr.) Abhilash Pillai

  Faculty of Law
   ▷ Dean : Dr. Sindhu Thulaseedharan

  Faculty of Management Studies
   ▷ Dean : Dr. R. Vasanthagopal

  Faculty of Commerce
   ▷ Dean : Dr. Gabriel Simon Thattil

  Faculty of Education
   ▷ Dean : Dr. Bindu R. L.

  Faculty of Ayurveda & Siddha
   ▷ Dean :

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  Faculty of Dentistry
   ▷ Dean :

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  Faculty of Engineering & Technology
   ▷ Dean : Dr. Sumesh Divakaran

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  Faculty of Homoeopathy
   ▷ Dean : Vacant

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  Faculty of Medicine
   ▷ Dean : Vacant

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  Faculty of Physical Education
   ▷ Dean : Prof. (Dr.) Razia K. I.

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Study Centres

The University has also a number of study centres in specialised areas. Some of these centres have taught programmes (Certificate / Diploma / Masters / MPhil) and some offer PhD programmes also. These are very often attached to one of the teaching Depts and share Dept facilities, though some have independent buildings and infrastructure.

Other Institutions

There are a number of other important institutions under the University, which are not regular teaching departments, but render academic / technological / information / support services to the academic community at large and the Departments / Centres in particular. Some of them like Lexicon are mission oriented Departments.